Western Zhou Dynasty Yu Bo Ding

Western Zhou Dynasty Yu Bo Ding

Age: Western Zhou, Grade 1

Specifications: Total height 36cm, upright handle height 4.2cm, diameter 23×24.5cm, belly depth 14.5cm, weight 5300g

Excavation site: Excavated from Room B of Tomb No. 1 in Rujiazhuang, Baoji City in 1974

Food vessel, dedicated to steaming and cooking, the cauldron is a combination of a cauldron and a tripod. The Yu Bo cauldron has square upright handles, an open mouth with a straight belly wall, a grating at the waist, which is connected to the belly wall, and a cross-shaped hollow on the grating. The tripod has an arc crotch and three column feet. There is a circle of animal face patterns under the rim of the cauldron, and animal face patterns on the belly of the tripod. The soot under the belly is very thick, and the inscription "Yu Bai (Bo) made the cauldron for his own use" is cast inside the belly.

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